1001 Rep Challenge for February 2015: Minutes of Cardio OR Squats

Young girls run at the Achilles Hope and Possibility 2014 race events in New York Central Park.

The 1001 Rep Challenge

Complete 1001 reps (or minutes) of a selected exercise within a month.

For left-right exercises, like 1-arm presses and lunges, count 1001 reps PER SIDE, 2002 total.

Printable tracker: http://goo.gl/WGjNMk

February 2015: Minutes of Cardio OR Squats

February is Heart Month, so let’s pump it! The goal for this month is 1001 minutes of any cardiovascular or metabolic training, which can include walking, running, cycling, boxing, skating, HIIT (high intensity interval training), circuit training, etc.

Alternatively, you can choose 1001 squats as your goal. Any squats count, including assisted squats, squat press, squat rows, squat jumps, swings, snatches, etc. You can even count regular (bent leg) deadlifts.

IMPORTANT! Challenge Guidelines

To develop healthy habits while reducing risks of injury:

  • Plan your 1001 reps or minutes on a consistent schedule with regular rest days.
  • Break up your 1001 reps or minutes into safe, manageable sets or intervals.
  • Take no more than 1 or 2 rest days in a row.
  • Count a maximum of 101 total reps or minutes per day. (You may do more, as long as it’s safe for you, but only 101 will count towards this challenge.)
  • Check with your fitness trainer that you are performing the selected exercise with safe, effective form.
  • Consult your doctor, fitness trainer, and other health professionals to make sure that your exercise plan supports your health goals and level of fitness.
  • You may need to modify the exercise, pick another exercise, or adjust the number of reps.

Am I doing squats right? Is my running form ok?

If you’re in San Diego North County, ask me for a workout and we can check your form for safety. Your first workout is always on me. Text or call me at 760-575-HAPPY (4277) for schedule and availability.

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