Week of Grace: Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Describe a place or group of people where you feel welcome and at home. This can any place you live, work, hangout, or meet people.

Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive. For 7 days, please join in and answer to the gratitude question posted. To get the full benefits, you should write out your response rather just think about it. For example, you may comment here, tweet #weekofgrace, email a friend, or even write out your response longhand.

Week of Grace for March 2010 starts Thursday 3/25 and ends Wednesday 3/31.

One response to “Week of Grace: Where Everybody Knows Your Name”

  1. I’m a huge fan of Starbucks for many reasons… (yes, I KNOW the coffee isn’t the best, you coffee snobs)… I mention Starbucks in particular for this post because it’s like always having a friendly, informal conference room, virtually ANYWHERE I want to meet someone. I know pretty much what I can expect, including WIFI and clean bathrooms. All this makes me feel comfortable and at home.