Category: Workout

  • Luan’s Fit Challenge – April 9, 2009

    Luan Nguyen at Fitness Together Alabama can do the following in 9 minutes, 48 seconds: Lunges 100 feet, 21 pullups, 21 situps. Lunges 100 feet, 18 pullups, 18 situps. Lunges 100 feet, 15 pullups, 15 situps. Lunges 100 feet, 12 pullups, 12 situps. Lunges 100 feet, 9 pullups, 9 situps. Lunges 100 feet, 6 pullups,…

  • Mike’s Fit Challenge – April 8, 2009

    This Fit Challenge is from Mike Deibler at San Diego Premier Training. Okay, time yourself: 50 Squats – Tap your bottom on a small stability ball or bench. 40 Mountain Climbers – Front foot lands between hands. Can use pushup bars or kettlebells. 30 Jumping Jacks 20 Pushups – Toes or knees. Chest should be…

  • The Real “Serene Possum” Yoga Pose

    Just to make clear… Serene Possum yesterday was an April Fool’s Day post! That’s just how I end up at the end of a workout! I thought the links to cats and the Wiki article on April Fool’s day would give it away, but I guess I gave too many links to click! The “real”…

  • Favorite Yoga Pose

    Lie flat on your back, facing up, legs straight out but relaxed. Let the toes fall outward or inward, whichever feels most natural. Arms are also relaxed, resting on ground, at any angle that allows the muscles to “melt.” Elbows may be bent in the most comfortable position. Palms up or down, whichever is more…

  • Training for St. Patrick’s Run/Walk

    Training for the the St. Patrick’s Run/Walk? Here’s a sample training schedule leading up to running the 10K or walking the 4-Mile event: Mondays & Wednesdays: Run/Walk 20-30 Minutes Thursdays: Yoga or Strength Workout at Gym Sat (2/14) 45-Minute Run/Walk Sat (2/28) 50-Minute Run/Walk Sat (3/7) 55-Minute Run/Walk Sat (3/14) Big Day! 10K Run or…

  • Workout: Rainy Day Cardio

    Rain keeping you from your walk or run again? Try this indoor workout that gets your legs with lunges. You’ll also get a little upper body and core. If you are trying to replace a run or walk, PACE yourself so that you don’t have to take breaks. It might also help to keep in…

  • Workout: No Equipment Required

    Workout for a rainy day. Doesn’t require too much space or any equipment. Warmup: 10 Squats 20 Jumping Jacks 30 Punches 20 Jumping Jacks 10 Squats Repeat 3X: 10 Pushups (Knees or Toes) 10 Lunges to the Front (Each Leg, 20 Total) 10 Burpees 10 Lunges to the Back (Each Leg, 20 Total) 10 Plank-ups…