Week of Grace – Starts Monday 2/22/10

There are some very interesting studies from Robert A. Emmons, UC Davis and Michael E. McCullough, U of Miami showing the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. It appears that act of writing down what you are thankful for significantly improves overall happiness and well-being. In addition, those who kept gratitude journals exercised more, reported less physical discomfort, and made more progress towards all their goals.

According to Richard Wiseman in his book 59 Seconds (AWESOME book!), benefits can be reaped in as little as a few days a month. So let’s try this! I hereby declare the LAST 7 days of February, a Week of Grace. Starting next Monday (2/22), please check in at cparkburke.com for a post a day for 7 days. These posts should make you think about the things you appreciate. For example, “name someone who recently did you a favor” or “what was the best advice you got about your career?” You are encouraged to comment on the blog, tweet a response, send a text, scribble a note in your calendar… anything to write down a short little statement about your feelings of gratitude.

Looking forward to all your responses!