Week of Grace: Places You’ve Lived

What are things that you appreciate about where you live now, or the places you have lived?

Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive. For 7 days, please join in and answer to the gratitude question posted! To get the full benefits, you should write out your response rather just think about it. Like the featured guests, you may comment here, or you can tweet #weekofgrace, email a friend, or even write out your response longhand.

Week of Grace for June 2010 starts Thursday the 24th and ends Wednesday the 30th.

Look for Featured Guests in the comments this Month:

3 responses to “Week of Grace: Places You’ve Lived”

  1. Perfect timing…places I’ve lived and now, the place I am going to live in! Moving to a smaller place, from a single level detached home to an apartment is my next step. A smaller space means less things, more organization, and less worries. Renting means less expenses, less responsibility for property, and more time to do other things. It’s a balance between competing priorities. It’s an opportunity to revisit what you need versus what you want. Wherever you live you make it your home and say, “welcome”.

  2. With a couple of 6-month exceptions while I was growing up, and a 4-year stint in Northern California after I passed the bar exam, I have lived in San Diego’s north county since I was six years old.

    I appreciate this community for its weather, the beachy feel of its neighborhoods (especially Del Mar through Encinitas), and the evident lack of stress exhibited by its members.

  3. I grew up near Washington DC, and what I appreciated most was that my schools took frequent field trips to the Smithsonian. I especially loved the Museum of Natural History and the Air and Space Museum. It made me love science and learning and the discovery of new information. I know a lot of people think it’s a huge waste of money, but I would SO support another national space exploration goal like going to Mars.

    I moved to San Diego in 1993, and you just can’t beat the weather. I suppose I should be grateful that Washington DC was so humid… so I know EXACTLY what I missing! I also think being by the water is good for me… I don’t think I’d be a runner if I couldn’t run at the beach. I’m grateful to call San Diego home.