Week of Grace: Habits & Routines

What positive habits and routines in your life do you appreciate most? How did you develop them?

Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive. For 7 days, please join in and answer to the gratitude question posted! To get the full benefits, you should write out your response rather just think about it. Like the featured guests, you may comment here, or you can tweet #weekofgrace, email a friend, or even write out your response longhand.

Week of Grace for April 2010 starts Saturday the 24th and ends Friday the 30th.

Look for Featured Guests in the comments this Month:


6 responses to “Week of Grace: Habits & Routines”

  1. I appreciate my fitness routine the most. Obviously, being a trainer, fitness is a huge aspect of my life. I am just like everyone else though. There are days that I just don’t feel like working out, but I am such a creature of habit I rarely will miss a workout even on those unmotivating days.

  2. Probably the most beneficial habit I have created over the years is getting up at 5am. This is hours before I ever have to be anywhere and it gives me time to write, meditate and plan my day.

    I initially created the habit with an alarm clock but now I just wake on my own without any help, even when I dont have to.

  3. Although I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate me mentioning this, but my mom is now in her sixties. The thing is, she looks AMAZING. Her skin is still impeccable. This is from making sure she removes all her makeup and washes her face every night before she goes to bed, and then using uber amounts of sunblock every day she goes out. This is something she has passed down to me. And if I look half as good as her in thirty years later, I will be thrilled.

  4. Routines are actually really difficult for me. There is no novelty, nothing to solve. It’s all just tedious work. So, the habit that helps me the most is setting regular appointments and getting help for routine activities I may neglect. For example, even though I like how exercise feels, I will still psychologically rebel when it comes time to go for my workout. This is why I run in a group and train with a trainer. I think that extra accountability to show up really works for me. I learned how well this habit worked for me when I hired a personal trainer and realized I had worked out at LEAST 2X/week, but usually 3-4X/week, for over a year. Before that, the longest I stayed with an exercise program was 3-4 months.

  5. I’ve just really started making several positive habits/routines in my life. Most of it really is centering on making a balance in my life. I have 2 young children and an amazing husband, but there are times when our lives seem a bit out of whack! It is so easy to get caught up in the craziness of “life”. One of the healthy routines I have started is to make time for me! I’m exercising regularly throughout the week — which just makes me feel good and gives me the energy to handle all the things that are thrown at me. I’ve also just started singing in a women’s ensemble (something I love to do)…so I’m also filling my individual needs. We are also making more time for our family….and that’s key! Some weeks we are better at it than others, but making the effort to balance work, family life, and play is making a difference in our lives!

  6. The Routines that have helped me and added value to my live are:
    1. A regular fitness routine… I hardly ever mis a day… Yoga, golf, running, walking.
    2. I always moisturize my skin from top to bottom, have done it since I was 18.
    3. I tell my husband everyday at least once how much I appreciate and love him… a goodbye kiss and a hello kiss
    4. I take the time every morning to sit in the quiet with myself and a cup of warm tea.