Author: Christine

  • The Cupcake Diet

    So, my big idea was to write this diet book called “The Cupcake Diet”. I don’t know if this is true where you live, but cupcakes are the big thing right now! It seems like I run into a new shop at least once a week! So marketing-wise, it would be totally awesome! In addition,…

  • Week of Grace: Places You’ve Lived

    What are things that you appreciate about where you live now, or the places you have lived? Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive.

  • Week of Grace: All of My Friends Are…

    Name some things that you appreciate, that are common to all or most of your good friends. Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive. For 7 days, please join in and answer to the gratitude question posted! To get the full benefits, you…

  • Week of Grace: Places to Go

    I am on a trip to New York to visit a childhood friend, who just had a beautiful baby girl, and this is the inspiration for this month’s gratitude journal. When traveling, what destinations have special meaning to you? What is it about these places that make you feel grateful? Week of Grace is a…

  • Week of Grace: Anything Else?

    Was there anything else that happened in April that made you feel grateful? Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive.

  • Week of Grace: Newsflash

    Has there been a recent news report that made you feel grateful? It could be an article, TV report, blog, or even a phone call from friends and family. Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive.

  • Week of Grace: Recently Made a Difference

    Think about yesterday, this last week, or last month, and write a little about someone who recently made a difference to you. It can be something they did or something they said, as long as it’s fairly recent. Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and…

  • Week of Grace: Advice About Work

    What is the best advice you got about your career and who gave it to you? Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive.

  • Week of Grace: Childhood Friend

    What friendships while growing up did you value then and now? Write about a childhood friend that positively influenced who you are today. Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive.

  • Week of Grace: Habits & Routines

    What positive habits and routines in your life do you appreciate most? How did you develop them? Week of Grace is a 7-day journaling project, scientifically designed to you make you happier, healthier, and more productive.